Simone Bruyere Fraser - Illuminate the Art of Living

Sunday, June 27, 2010

California Car-ism...

A few weeks ago my car window was smashed out in front of my home. Odd, to say the least. I live in a nice and peaceful neighborhood, don't have any terrible enemies (that I know of), and nothing was taken from my car...

I left the car unfixed for over a week after the window was smashed out, I think I was in shock, and also decided in its own way it was kinda comical. People in Los Angles love their cars, an extension of their external self, I wasn't bothered that much, my car is not a place that I hold much personal value (to put it mildly). The window being smashed out, however, definitely took it to a whole nother level. I left the glass in the back seat, the side mirror had fallen off, just road around with the window busted out...sometimes I would dress up real nice if I were going out and valet at a hot joint just for fun...the looks of awe and confusion were amazing...

A stick to California Car-ism: let us never take ourselves or our situations to seriously...I think the lesson for me in this one was a whole new level of non-attachment to perception, my own or anyone else's...fixed the window this week, fine during the day, a little chilly at night... ; )

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The not-so-public Library...

I'm a big fan of libraries...always have been...always will be. I happened to mention to a friend the other day that I was going to the library, and they were like "what!? no one goes to the library." And, the sad part is, that is not true at all. The library is filled with people; what she meant to say is that no one who is not homeless goes to the library...

I show up to the library a little before it opens to pick up a book I put on hold. I'm excited. In the doorway there are several homeless men sleeping with their shirts off, basking in the sun. The doors open, they get up and head towards the computers, or the bathroom, or the drinking fountain, either way I am happy that the library is open to them, and to me...

Here is the thing about the can get any book, CD, DVD, and tape you want. Anything. If they do not have it at that branch, then they just order it to that branch for you.
Secondly, it's all free. FREE! Third, you can re-new most items to be able to use them for more time. Fourth, you are helping the environment by not printing out more books. Save the planet! And, last but not least, you are not cluttering your home up with more junk you that will just throw out in a few years anyway. So, my plea for those in Los Angeles and everywhere...go...get a book, connect with all types of people, and support your public library. It's an amazing facility.