Simone Bruyere Fraser - Illuminate the Art of Living

Monday, September 27, 2010


Give me a rule, and i'll find a way to bend it...right before I break it...

Create your own rules. The only limits on life are the ones you set for yourself.

Monday, September 20, 2010


I've been noticing something interesting recently regarding intimate relationships...there are four different types of groups in intimate relationships. Those that treat those that are closest to them the worst, take them for granted, and abuse the stability of the relationship. Those that treat people better, and more important the closer that the relationship is. Those that treat everyone unilaterally bad or disrespectful, and those that treat everyone unilaterally good, and like they are important. I know which category I fall into, and I know why. The closer I am to someone, the more attention and respect they get from me. I like to know who someone is before I give them my time and energy, I like to see and understand their character first, and once they have proven to me that they are of quality I will do anything for them.

I have noticed a lot of people in Los Angeles that treat those closest to them horribly, and go way out of their way for strangers. This for me is a red flag, and smells of megalomania. They want to gain the affection and attention of new people all the time, but once someone has been won over already, and is a friend they have lost interest. There is also the person to treats everyone poorly, which basically reflects the lack of love they have for themselves, sad but true. And, those that treat everyone with love, respect, and kindness. This is a beautiful thing, and something that the Dalai Lama talks about. Treat everyone as if they are an old and dear friend. I am working towards this, and do it in some cases, but I'd like to do it even more...we're all one. Just love.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Think. Why say it?

Why would we speak poorly of others? It's a backwards way of complimenting ourself. Tisk...a waste of time and a waste of energy. If you have a problem with someone bring it to them, and the rest can be left unsaid.

"The kind of behavior that really is spiritual practice consists of refraining from falsehood and abiding by the truth, neither humiliating nor mocking others, being humble, and having a good heart and helping others."

-Dalai Lama

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A note on giving...

“Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime”—Author unknown

The true secret of giving... give in places where the gift you have given will take on a life of its own.