Simone Bruyere Fraser - Illuminate the Art of Living

Thursday, June 2, 2016

The Right Vibe.

Your thoughts, your body language, your energy, your vibe. Ninety percent of the cues we get from people do not come from their words, but from everything else we take in from them. There is so much information coming at us, that it would be wise to take a moment to see what messages we may be sending with or with out our knowing it - and without saying a word. Energy speaks louder then words. Pay attention to how you feel in each moment. Maybe someone is saying nice things, but you feel really bad after you spend time with them. This is something to pay attention to, maybe they are sending you a vibe that doesn't feel good or cuts down who you are. Or, conversely, maybe you spent some time with someone somewhere that felt amazing, and maybe you barely talked about anything important, but for some reason afterward you simply felt invincible. When you get your vibe right, your life will surely align all the right ways too. Your energy walks into the room before you open your mouth, and it stays in the room after you leave. It lingers, it leaves an impression, it gives a feeling, it is the real exchange. Make sure your are getting and giving, the right vibe....