Simone Bruyere Fraser - Illuminate the Art of Living

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

A LA PISCINE - The Swimming Pool

For fun, and for a personal mission I have created a children's book. There are many different purposes for this story, but one is to create an awareness and mission for youth to protect our oceans. Attached you will find a 5 minute narrated video of the story, and a link to the amazon book. I might ask that you watch the video and check the 8 points in the video description to see if you and your family are doing some of what you can to protect our oceans, our planet, and ourselves. Links Below! I THANK YOU SO MUCH in advance for your time and consideration. Much love, Simone 

Please Check out:  A LA PISCINE - The Swimming Pool (Video) 

And: A LA PISCINE - The Children's Book