Simone Bruyere Fraser - Illuminate the Art of Living

Monday, May 17, 2010

A note on humility...

I once read in a book that "trees full of fruit bow low"...

I don't think much more needs to be said on this matter.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Blissful Depression...

Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross wrote a book on the sequential stages of grief which include denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. They are commonly referred to as the "grief cycle. "

Although she was referring to stages of physical death, it seems the same feelings apply to emotional and/or spiritual deaths as well. My experience has been that if I fully go though a depression all of these feelings are processed. However, it is hard...very hard...the more common tendency is for people to get stuck in denial, anger, or bargaining...maybe hit depression, not want to feel it, and go back to denial and anger before they ever get to the glorious stage of "re-birth", and acceptance. Depression does have a purpose. It often occurs during stages of letting go, change, and growth. So here's my plea...don't run from depression, but also don't get stuck in it. Find its' purpose, knowledge and growth, and move through it. Get support if you need it, and I promise you will find deeper peace, more meaning, and blissful understanding on the other side.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

"Right Sizing" our help others "Live Right"...

Let's talk about possessions. Those things that we own, we buy, and become a part of our identity. They define who we are in the world because we think they are a part of us. This car makes me look like this, this house says this about me, this coat, even these sunglasses make some sort of comment about what my value or status is in this world...especially in Hollywood!

I would like to ask the Urban Samurai in the world to shift their thinking about these "things" just a bit. You are not what you have or what you own. Done. Period. Bottom line. You are just you, and nothing will ever make you more or less then what you already are...a beautiful soul living an amazing life in this unbelievable world.

That said, I'm starting a movement called the Urban Samurai Movement...where we "Right Size" our lives to help others to "Live Right". Most people know I'm not a fan of having many possessions, abhor buying things, and basically try to stick with only what is needed. I have actually noticed it makes me happier, makes me feel closer to my authentic self, and keeps things simple and worry free in my life. I would like to make it "cool" to own as little as possiable...

Recently I have been helping friends of mine sell things that they don't need on Craig's List, and having the proceeds go to an organization which helps orphans around the world get off the streets, and live the life of their dreams. For example: you don't need that coffee table in your garage? Sell in on Craig's list for $100 to someone who does need it. Have them donate on-line to a non-profit (in my case www.constantinachildren' get a receipt that the money went through, and have them pick up the item. This is tax-deductible for them, clears physical and emotional space for you, and feeds 4 to 6 children in a third world country for a month.

Pretty cool, huh? And don't worry my friends...I will always love you even if you are without a thing...perhaps I can love you even more because you will have more space to love... ; )