Simone Bruyere Fraser - Illuminate the Art of Living

Monday, July 26, 2010

Up and Growing...

I think I started to become a woman when:
I became more interested in seeing and loving the world,
then having the world see and love me. This is a life long
process of course and I still have a lot more work to do...

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Silence Please!

Never underestimate the importance of silence in your life.

Talk a little less, say a little more...the ways of communicating are infinite.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Making it Known...

There is an obsession with being known in Los Angeles, and in our society as a whole. People want to have everyone see and pay attention to everything they do. I am particularly fascinated by this phenomena on the internet, but it goes in all areas of life. The desire to be seen and to "make our mark" makes us feel that things in our life will be less temporary and that perhaps the thing we call the self may be frozen in glory forever. But, in the end it is rather silly because some of the greatest things in life are utterly unknown by most.

The most glorious moments in my life were sacred moments when something happened that was so profound and I, or just a few others, were the only ones there to witness it. Some of the most amazing people I have met most people don't know because it was not their priority to be known, they were learning about the world, helping others, saving something, studying something grand. In fact, to be honest...some of the most well known "things", "people", "items", when I encountered in person at a closer glace were embarrassingly horrific. I almost felt sorry for them. It appeared that they were shallower then deeper, and they gave $10 to something and spent $100 promoting the fact that they gave $10. There is nothing wrong with fame, nothing wrong with promoting a cause or a vision, this is all very noble. But, let us not forget that the value or worth of something has nothing to do with whether it is known by others or not. Remember to look for the hidden gems in life, all magical things not yet discovered....

Friday, July 2, 2010

Personal Assistance...

The relationship between the Hollywood type and the "assistant" is a funny one. They love them, can't get enough of them, can't get enough people to do enough random tasks for them in their everyday life. After I had been in LA a few months I was taken back by this anomaly, it seemed that every friend I made, every date I went on they would start a sentence with "my assistant." I thought about my mother who runs a large organization and asked her one day..."mom, how many assistants do you have?" she paused, and thoughtfully said "you mean personal staff?" My parents, so amazing, my mom has had people helping her accomplish millions tasks for years and never once did I ever hear her utter the term "my assistant".

Again and again I say "trees full of fruit bow low...."

There is nothing wrong with assistance, having people help you accomplish a valued mission, or goal, we need help from each other and that is beautiful....but let us not forget the point of the help...not to enhance our status, but as synergy to be able to give more to the world. I've realized now, after spending a few years in LA, that there are many things in my life I will always do with my own two hands...nothing brings me greater joy then to re-pot a plant, hang dry some laundry, cook a home made meal, or walk a dog in the park. Some assistance is necessary, but some things just keep life real and pure and are important to enjoy for your self.